日常英会話で多用されるContraction とReductionとは(2)
今回は日常英会話で多用されるContraction とReductionについての第2弾をお届けします。第1弾ではContractionを中心に説明しました。Contractionは日常英会話で頻繁に耳にするものです。そして早口で話されるこのContraction(短縮形)が理解できないと会話についていけない場合もあります。
Aren’t you angry?
Haven’t you seen the plans?
Wouldn’t it be great to take that truck up to the lake?
また日常英会話でしばしば使われる下記のようなContractionもあります。こちらもオンライン辞書や英文読み上げサイトで発音の確認をしてみましょう。Haven’t you seen the plans?
Wouldn’t it be great to take that truck up to the lake?
oughtn’t ⇒ ought not
例)I know I oughtn’t to be here.
聴き取りにくい場合は、oughtn’t to be hereだけを読み上げサイトを使って発音を聞いてみましょう。例)I know I oughtn’t to be here.
shan’t ⇒ shall not
例)I shan’t be here long.
例)I shan’t be here long.
mightn’t ⇒ might not
例)Don’t be so nervous, it mightn’t be true.
聴き取りにくい場合は、mightn’t be trueだけ読み上げサイトを使って発音を聞いてみましょう。例)Don’t be so nervous, it mightn’t be true.
mustn’t ⇒ must not
例)You mustn’t touch what isn’t yours.
例)You mustn’t touch what isn’t yours.
needn’t ⇒ need not
例)You needn’t worry about your future.
例)You needn’t worry about your future.
ain’t ⇒ am / is/are / has / have not
例)I ain’t got nothing for you, man.
俗語的な表現ですが、よく耳にします。無理に使う必要はありませんが、聴き取れるようにしておきましょう。例)I ain’t got nothing for you, man.
Wanna ⇒ Want a
You wanna slice of pie? 主語が省略されることもあります。
You want a slice of pie?
You wanna slice of pie? 主語が省略されることもあります。
You want a slice of pie?
Wanna ⇒ Want to
I wanna go to the bathroom. 主語が省略されることもあります。
I want to go to the bathroom.
I wanna go to the bathroom. 主語が省略されることもあります。
I want to go to the bathroom.
Gonna ⇒ Going to
I’m gonna see my mother next month.
I’m going to see my mother next month.
I’m gonna see my mother next month.
I’m going to see my mother next month.
Gotta ⇒ Got to/Have got to/Has got to
He’s gotta go to work now.
He got to work now.
He has got to work now.
He’s got to work now.
He’s gotta go to work now.
He got to work now.
He has got to work now.
He’s got to work now.
Hafta ⇒ Have to
You hafta finish your homework.
You have to finish your homework.
You hafta finish your homework.
You have to finish your homework.
Hasta ⇒ Has to
He hasta fly home this time.
He has to fly home this time.
He hasta fly home this time.
He has to fly home this time.
Hadda ⇒ Had to
I hada take a shower. I had to take a shower.
I hada take a shower. I had to take a shower.
Oughta ⇒ Ought to
You oughta talk to your parents. You ought to talk to your parents.
慣れればそこまで難しいものではありません。発音もしやすいので自分で読み上げサイトを使い、音読の反復練習をしてみましょう。You oughta talk to your parents. You ought to talk to your parents.
If I had had enough money, I could’ve bought it.
Coulda ⇒ Could have
You coulda asked her out.
You could have asked her out.
You could’ve asked her out.
どちらかというとcould have のContraction(短縮形)としてcould’veの形で使われることも多いので、could’veの発音もオンライン辞書や英文読み上げサイトで確認してみてください。3つの例文を聴き取れ、かつ自分でも使えるようになりましょう。
You coulda asked her out.
You could have asked her out.
You could’ve asked her out.
Shoulda ⇒ Should have
He shoulda finished his homework.
He should have finished his homework.
He should’ve finished his homework.
どちらかというとshould have のContraction(短縮形)としてshould’veの形で使われることも多いので、should’veの発音もオンライン辞書や英文読み上げサイトで確認してみましょう。3つの例文を聴き取れ、かつ自分でも使えるようになりましょう。
He shoulda finished his homework.
He should have finished his homework.
He should’ve finished his homework.
Woulda ⇒ Would have
I woulda known the answer.
I would have known the answer.
I would’ve known the answer.
would have もContraction(短縮形)としてwould’veの形で使われることも多いので、would’veの発音もオンライン辞書や英文読み上げサイトで確認してみてください。
I woulda known the answer.
I would have known the answer.
I would’ve known the answer.
Mighta ⇒ Might have
You mighta helped me.
You might have helped me.
You might’ve helped me.
might have のContraction(短縮形)としてmight’veの形で使われることも多いので、might’veの発音もオンライン辞書や英文読み上げサイトで確認してみましょう。
You mighta helped me.
You might have helped me.
You might’ve helped me.
Musta ⇒ Must have
She musta lied about it.
She must have lied about it.
She must’ve lied about it.
must have のContraction(短縮形)としてmust’veの形で使われることも多いので、must’veの発音も確認してみましょう。
She musta lied about it.
She must have lied about it.
She must’ve lied about it.
Couldna ⇒ Could not have
I couldna managed without you.
I could not have managed without you.
I couldn’t have managed without you.
I couldn’t’ve managed without you.
ちなみにcould not haveのContraction(短縮形)としてcouldn’t’veの形で使われることも多いので、couldn’t’veの発音も確認してみてください。4つの例文がしっかりと聴き取れるようにしましょう。自分で使うことをイメージしながら聴くといいかもしれません。
I couldna managed without you.
I could not have managed without you.
I couldn’t have managed without you.
I couldn’t’ve managed without you.
Shouldna ⇒ Should not have
He shouldna failed the examination.
He should not have failed the examination.
He shouldn’t have failed the examination.
He should’n’t’ve failed the examination.
should not haveのContraction(短縮形)としてshouldn’t’veの形で使用されることが多いようです。こちらもオンライン辞書や英文読み上げサイトでしっかり発音チェックをしましょう。
He shouldna failed the examination.
He should not have failed the examination.
He shouldn’t have failed the examination.
He should’n’t’ve failed the examination.
Wouldna ⇒ Would not have
I wouldna known the answer.
I would not have known the answer.
I wouldn’t have known the answer.
I wouldn’t’ve known the answer.
would not haveのContraction(短縮形)としてwouldn’t’veの形で使われることも多いようです。
I wouldna known the answer.
I would not have known the answer.
I wouldn’t have known the answer.
I wouldn’t’ve known the answer.
Mightn’t’ve ⇒ Might not have
You mightn’t’ve helped me.
You might not have helped me.
might have のContraction(短縮形)としてmightn’t’veの形で使われることも多いそうです。
You mightn’t’ve helped me.
You might not have helped me.
Mustn’t’ve ⇒ Must not have
She mustn’t’ve lied about it.
She must have lied about it.
must have のContraction(短縮形)としてmustn’t’veの形で使われることも多いようです。
She mustn’t’ve lied about it.
She must have lied about it.
If I’d had enough money, I could’ve bought it.(口語では、I had がI’dになったこの形がよく使われます。)このような例文を多数、とにかく多数の例文に当たり、自分でも音読して表現のニュアンスを身につけることが大切です。
仮定法過去完了は、確かに少し高度な英文法になります。先のIf I’d had enough money, I could’ve bought it.は、発音も「イㇷ、ァィドハド、イナフマネイ、ァィクドゥヴ、ボウティ(ㇳ)」となり、かなり反復練習しないとネイティブの発音には近づけないかもしれません。
You shouldna done that.
You shouldn’t’ve done that.
You shouldn’t have done that.
You should not have done that.
ネイティブならYou shouldna done that.と言うこともあるでしょう。You shouldna done that.で、複雑な内容を言い表せるのは便利ですよね?ノンネイティブなら上記2番目 You shouldn’t’ve done that.の言い方をしたいものです。2番目の言い方ができれば、3と4は簡単ですね。You shouldn’t’ve done that.
You shouldn’t have done that.
You should not have done that.
【資料のご案内】 英会話習得の効率を更に高める3つの手法とは